S Y M B I C O R T i s a r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k o f t h e A s t r a Z e n e c a g r o u p o f c o m p a n i e s .
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A s t r a Z e n e c a L P .
A ll r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .
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SYMBICORT is fo r asthm a th a t is not w ell controlled on a long-term asthm a m edicine, or w hen disease severity w arrants
M y a s t h m a .
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u n d e r c o n t r o l w
i t h
t h e
h e l p o f S Y M B I C O R T ,
h t
When my symptoms came back, my doctor and I chose SYMBICORT to help improve my lung function.
SYMBICORT helps m e breathe b e tte r all day, sta rtin g w ith in 15 m inutes.* It w o n ’t replace a rescue inhaler
fo r sudden sym ptom s. U nlike m ost o the r asthm a m edicines, SYMBICORT com bines tw o m edicines to
help control inflam m ation and co n strictio n .
• Your results may vary.
Ask your doctor if SYMBICORT is a good choice for you.
Im p o rta n t Safety Inform ation A bout SYMBICORT fo r Asthm a
SYMBICORT contains form oterol, a long-acting beta2-adrenergic
agonist (LABA). LABA m edicines such as form oterol increase the risk of
death from asthma problems. It is not know n w hether budesonide, the
other m edicine in SYMBICORT, reduces the risk o f death from asthma
problem s seen w ith form oterol.
SYMBICORT should be used only if your healthcare provider decides
th at your asthma is not w ell controlled w ith a long-term asthma control
m edicine, such as an inhaled corticosteroid, or th at your asthma is severe
enough to begin treatm ent w ith SYMBICORT.
If you are taking SYMBICORT, see your healthcare provider if your asthma does
not improve or gets worse. It is important that your healthcare provider assess
your asthma control on a regular basis. Your doctor will decide if it is possible
for you to stop taking SYMBICORT and start taking a long-term asthma control
medicine without loss of asthma control.
SYMBICORT does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden asthma symptoms.
Be sure to tell your healthcare provider about all your health conditions,
including heart conditions or high blood pressure, and all medicines you may
be taking. Some patients taking SYMBICORT may experience increased blood
pressure, heart rate, or change in heart rhythm.
Do not use SYMBICORT more often than prescribed. While taking SYMBICORT,
never use another medicine containing a LABA for any reason. Ask your
healthcare provider or pharmacist if any of your other medicines are LABA
medicines, as using too much LABA may cause chest pain, increase in blood
pressure, fast and irregular heartbeat, headache, tremor, and nervousness.
Patients taking SYMBICORT
• may experience serious allergic reactions including rash, hives, swelling
of the face, mouth and tongue, and breathing problems.
• may have a higher chance of infection. Tell your healthcare provider
immediately if you think you are exposed to infections such as chicken
pox or measles, or if you have any signs of infection.
• may experience an increase in wheezing right after taking SYMBICORT,
eye problems including glaucoma and cataracts, decreases in bone mineral
density, swelling of blood vessels, decrease in blood potassium and increase
in blood sugar levels.
If you are switching to SYMBICORT from an oral corticosteroid, follow your
healthcare provider’s instructions to avoid serious health risks when you stop
using oral corticosteroids.
Children and adolescents who take LABA medicines may have an increased
risk of being hospitalized for asthma problems.
Common side effects include nose and throat irritation, headache, upper
respiratory tract infection, sore throat, sinusitis, stomach discomfort, flu, back
pain, nasal congestion, vomiting, and thrush in the mouth and throat.
A pproved Uses fo r SYMBICORT fo r Asthm a
SYMBICORT is used to control and prevent symptoms of asthma in adults and
children ages 12 and older. SYMBICORT is not for patients who have sudden
asthma symptoms.
Please see Im portant Product Inform ation on adjacent page and discuss
w ith your doctor.
You a re e n c o u ra g e d to re p o rt n e g a tiv e s id e e ffe c ts o f p re s c rip tio n
d ru g s to th e FDA. V isit w w w .fd o .g o v /m e d w o tc h , o r c o ll 1-8 0 0 -FD A -1 0 8 8 .
P R E S C R I P T I O N 0
F F E R +
A n d e ven m o re s a v in g s fo r u p to a year.* C all 1-8 8 8 -3 1 2 -0 7 9 2
o r v is it M y S y m b ic o rt.c o m /s a v e
Subject to eligibility rules. Restrictions apply.
F o r m o r e in f o r m a t io n , c a ll 1 - 8 8 8 -3 1 2 - 0 7 9 2
o r g o t o M y S y m b ic o r t . c o m / s a v e
I f y o u ’r e w i t h o u t p r e s c r i p t i o n c o v e r a g e a n d c a n ’t a f f o r d
y o u r m e d i c a t io n , A s t r a Z e n e c a m a y b e a b l e t o h e lp .
F o r m o r e in f o r m a t io n , p l e a s e v is it w w w . a s t r a z e n e c a - u s . c o m
S y m b i c o r t
(budesonide/formoterol fumarate dihydrate)
Inhalation Aerosol
A s t r a Z e n e c a
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